COVID-19 Precautions at VIPCare


 Given the current surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant, we have adjusted our COVID precautions in line with recent recommendations from medical experts. 

 For the health and safety of all VIPCare clients and staff:

 ·     If you are feeling sick, have a cough, fever, loss of taste, or shortness of breath, please go home immediately.  We will gladly reschedule your appointment for a later date and will waive any late-cancellation fees. 

 ·     Please wear a face mask or cloth covering over your mouth and nose while you are in the waiting room, or wait outside until your counselor is ready for you, even if you have been vaccinated.    

 ·     In your counseling session, you and your counselor can discuss the appropriate precautions to protect both of you, depending on risk factors and immunity status.

 ·     All VIPCare counselors continue to be available by videoconference or telephone if you prefer.

  Thank you for helping keep everyone healthy.