presentations & workshops
vipcare counselors offer a variety of presentations, such as:
Addiction and Substance Abuse–
Twelve Steps to Freedom
Spiritual Caregiving to Help Addicted Persons and Families
Addiction and Families: A Congregational Substance Abuse Ministry
Substance Abuse Prevention Ministry
Substance Abuse Recovery Assistance Ministry
Men Get Depression
Surviving the Storm: Depression in Teens
Family Life–
We’re Not THAT Dysfunctional
When Too Much Is Not Enough: Hoarding
Road Signs for Becoming a Good Man
Five Love Languages of Children
Common Diagnoses in Children
Authentic Leadership
Retreats and Consultations for Church Staff and Boards
Marriage Enrichment–
Baby Proofing Your Marriage
Principles for Making Your Marriage Work
Marriage – Ordained in Heaven but Made on Earth
Masters of Marriage
How Your Spirituality Affects Your Emotions and Physical Health
Certified Pastoral Counselor Formation (CPC) students meeting in the Goodykoontz-Crutchfield Education Center for the Spring 2015 course, “DM705: Appraisal, Evaluation and Diagnosis". Offering an overview of the field of psychological testing, interest and personality inventories, and projective techniques as applicable to the task of diagnosis, the course focused on understanding psychological tests in general and oneself in light of one’s own test results.