A conversation with Darla S. Renshaw

QUESTION: How did you come to work at VIPCare?

ANSWER: Initially, I came to VIPCARE to do my MS in Counseling Psychology practicum and internships to fulfill the degree requirements. I was especially drawn to a not for profit spiritual core agency, and I wanted to have experienced clinicians who would be committed to providing me with excellent supervision in my professional formation as a counselor. At the heart of it all, is my need to be of service in ministry to those who need care and support for their overall well-being, and who can’t really afford it. I am now a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and have been a VIPCARE Associate staff for two plus years. VIPCARE has a spiritual core and holds the space for hope and healing with the heart of practicing positive regard and loving kindness for those who find their way to VIPCare.

VIPCARE. QUESTION: How do you approach therapy (or the counseling relationship)?

ANSWER: My approach to the therapeutic alliance is to create a safe, secure, sacred space for clients to do their healing work, and to explore their personal growth and development as they see fit. As an Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) trauma-informed therapist, I assess with the clients what life circumstances have presented as issues that have not been integrated into their life experiences and keep them from being the best versions of themselves they want to be in life. Clients hold their own answers for their healing, learning, growth, and development. I view my role as practitioner as one of support, hope, loving kindness, and acceptance. I am a compass or guide with clients who hold their own road maps and destinations for their life journeys.

QUESTION: What inspires you amidst COVID-19 challenges (what advice do you offer clients)?

ANSWER: The majority of my clients are EMDR clients, who have significant trauma histories. Most of my (EMDR) clients have chosen to continue with office sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic. I hold great admiration for clients’ resiliency and willingness to rise above the courage line for their healing in light of the threat of COVID-19. A very few of my clients have willingly chosen to do telehealth sessions, and these clients usually have co-morbidities and are better served by reducing their risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus. I completely affirm and encourage them to set boundaries to safeguard their well-being as a part of practicing healthy self care. Clients are very resourceful and imaginative in how they have chosen to use their time and energy during sheltering in place. I am always inspired by the things clients discover about themselves and their families when they have time to just be together for meals, games, arts and crafts, and their abilities to create fun in the midst of so much loss of socializing with extended family, friends, and peers, especially during the holidays and special occasions.

QUESTION: What are special therapeutic techniques you offer your clients?

ANSWER: Loss, mourning, grief, depression, and anxiety, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, are challenging for clients, and with both EMDR therapy and the Equine-Assisted Mental Health (EAMH) practice I have these amazingly powerful resources to provide to clients. I also draw on transpersonal psychology and expressive arts therapy with clients seeking these modalities. Specializing in marriage, couples, and family therapy, I also use the Gottman Institute’s Solid House theory, Encounter-centered Couples therapy, and Emotion-Focused therapy while also relying on EMDR therapy with these clients. As needed, I can utilize other therapies in addressing clients’ challenges and needs. I am a client centered, multi-cultural, integrative practitioner, who is a better counselor and person because of my clients.

M.S., Counseling Psychology, Prescott College
M.P.H., Public Health, Johns Hopkins University
Post-graduate certificaton in Equine-Assisted Mental Health (EAMH), Prescott College, AZ
EAGALA Certified EAMH Practitioner and EAGALA Certified Equine Specialist
EMDR trauma-informed advanced level therapist, EMDRIA

VIPCARE TELEPHONE: 804.282.8332 ext. 237

Darla S. Renshaw, M.S., M.P.H., Licensed Professional Counselor

Darla S. Renshaw, M.S., M.P.H., Licensed Professional Counselor