Jonathan Kruschwitz Leads Continuing Education Program for VIPCare Counseling Staff

On Wednesday, March 31, The REV. Dr. Jonathan Kruschwitz (nephew of Sandy Kruschwitz Hamilton, a VIPCare counselor who passed away unexpectedly in 2014) will lead a program on his upcoming commentary on Leviticus and Numbers.

A native of Richmond, The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Kruschwitz is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and Baptist denominations. He has served the church in roles pastoral and academic. After completing a PhD in Biblical Studies at the University of Sheffield, he served four years as pastor at Gayton Road Christian Church. More recently, he has taught "The Bible as Literature" at VCU and published his dissertation. Currently he is writing a commentary on Leviticus and Numbers for Smyth & Helwys' Reading the Old Testament series.

Dr. Kruschwitz also works at VIPCare administering the pastoral evaluations program (working with judicatories to prepare candidates for ordination).

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Kruschwitz

The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Kruschwitz