Who Will Love Our Children?

A poem by a Friend of VIPCare

When “I can’t breathe!”…

becomes the cry of a dying man…

                        and echoes the voices of other dying men…

                              telling us again of injustice and brutality toward people of color…

                                                who will love our children?

When a pandemic…

            brings the loss of loved ones…

                        the loss of jobs and closing of schools…

                                    and reminders of our failed health care system…

                                                who will love our children?

When those in power seek to divide us…

            by blaming those who are already marginalized…

                        using social media to divert our attention…

                                    as they exploit our pain for their own power and wealth…

                                                who will love our children?

 When political campaigns end…

            with all their loud political speeches…

                        all their name calling…

                                    all their blaming…

                                                and all their empty promises…

who will love our children?

 When all the protests end…

all the streets are cleared…

                        all the shouts have silenced…

                                   and business seems to return to “normal”…

who will love our children?

 When we build walls…

            lock doors…

                close our eyes to suffering…

                         and dreams of inclusion seem to die at the cold hands of exclusion…

                                                who will love our children?

When our religion…

            becomes something that allows us to feel superior to others…

                        offers promises of an escape plan for the faithful…

                                    and we secure ourselves in a sanctuary of our own design…

                                                who will love our children?

When fear is allowed to grow…

            until it turns to anger…

                        then turns to hate…

                                    and then finds expression in violence…

                                                who will love our children?    

                                                                        A Friend of VIPCare