VIPCare Enters the Digital Age


On August 1, 2023, VIPCare staff began using the Valant Electronic Health Records system for all operations. For two months, we ran the Valant system in parallel with our old, paper records system while we learned the EHR program. As of September 30, paper is out, digital is in.

Executive Director Doug Thorpe said, “With Valant, all operations have become more efficient. Clients can fill out intake paperwork from their computer or phone, counselors can write notes or take payments with a few keystrokes, and we never have to enter the same information in more than one place.”

Valant EHR was made by counselors for counselors. It’s user friendly, while remaining highly secure. Clients can set up a portal to receive appointment reminders, check their balances, and have telehealth sessions.

Clients can get Valant’s MYIO app for mobile devices here: MYIO Patient Portal Help – Your Patient Experience Portal (

The switch to the Valant EHR system was made possible by a grant to VIPCare from the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation.

VIPCare Welcomes Lynda Sharp Anderson to the Board of Directors

Former President/CEO of the Metropolitan business league

Lynda Sharp Anderson -- a native of Baltimore, Maryland -- brings more than 30 years of service in the non-profit arena to VIPCare’s Board of Directors.

Ms. Anderson served as President/CEO of the Metropolitan Business League - a not- for-profit trade membership organization of minority-owned businesses in the Richmond metropolitan area and received two gubernatorial appointments, leading Commonwealth of Virginia agencies related to elections and business development.

VIPCare Executive Director Douglas M. Thorpe stated, “VIPCare is thrilled to welcome Lynda Sharp Anderson to the Board of Directors and looks forward to working with her to increase VIPCare’s outreach to patients in need of mental health support and counseling.”

VIPCare Welcomes Two New Staff Members: Holly Rodriguez and Esther Loney

VIPCare welcomeS two new administrative staff members!

Journalist and communications consultant Holly Rodriguez started three weeks ago as VIPCare's new administrative assistant for clergy psychological assessments.

Former Virginia Worker's Compensation Commission correspondence team leader Esther Loney joined VIPCare staff this week as medical billing specialist.

Please join us in welcoming them to VIPCare.

VIPCare Staff Retreat at Richmond Hill

VIPCare's staff gathered for A retreat on Friday, October 7 at Richmond Hill.

The morning session was led by Katie Heishman, co-pastoral director at Richmond Hill, and focused on lectio divino, audio divino, and viseo divino. In the afternoon VIPCare Executive Director Doug Thorpe led reflections and a discussion on hope.

Staff shared their happiness at being together in person and also how good it was to take time for quiet reflection.

Richmond Hill website:

Support VIPCare Through Amazon Smile

By purchasing through Amazon Smile (same services and products as Amazon with no additional cost to you the purchaser) Amazon donates a portion of the sale to charitable organizations.

Simply Select VIPCare following the website link below.

Donations to VIPCare support clients in need of counseling who cannot afford the cost of their care. In 2021, VIPCare’s Counseling Aid Fund provided more than $300,000 in pro bono and sliding scale counseling to clients.

Thank you for offering others hope and healing.

Bates Foundation Trip to Liberia: The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates and The Rev. Dr. Donald D. Denton

As a follow-up to their trip to Liberia in August 2022, Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates and Dr. Donald D. Denton created and shared a powerpoint on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, with VIPCare staff.

They will also present a report on and summary of their trip to the VIPCare Board of Directors when they meet on Tuesday, September 27.

Below is an excerpt of material from their PowerPoint which includes statistics that illustrate the need for mental health services in Liberia.


Depression and Anxiety: 20% of population

Substance Abuse: “No programs in place”

Open Mole: local term for severe mental disorders.

PTSD: 48% of one residents in one area

Limited Mental Health Facilities and Staff training: the country has only one registered psychiatrist in 2016.

Nongovernmental organizations: can help reduce stigma:

More than 20% of Liberia’s Post-War population has mental health issues

VIPCare Counselors Donald D. Denton and Charles F. Bates: Educational Programs in Liberia

VIPCare counselors The Rev. Dr. Donald D. Denton and The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates are currently in Monrovia, Liberia, presenting educational programs on trauma, healing and community engagement for clergy, government officials and lay people.

The trip was organized by the Bates Foundation, created in memory of Charles Ledlum-Bates' mother and dedicated to providing educational programs that promote healing from the trauma of civil war in Liberia.

VIDEO: Opening Worship, Liberia, August 2022

PHOTO: Ambassador Christina Maka of the Ministry of Health of Liberia

Opening Worship, Monrovia, Liberia, 2022

VIPCare Resident Anna Williams Offers Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letter Consultations

Consultations for Emotional Support Animal Letters: How to submit letters, letter writing tips, and service dog coaching

Offering Individual Appointments and Workshops

Emotional Support Animals (ESA) provide relief through companionship to individuals with psychiatric disability. ESAs are not service animals (such as guide dogs). They can be any type of pet not already recognized as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

For more information, please contact Anna Williams at 804.282.8332 ext. 246 or

Anna Williams is a resident in counseling and holds an M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Regent University, and Double Major in Psychology and Equine General Studies, Williams Woods University, Fulton, Missouri. She is a Certified Level 1 and Level 2 EMDR Therapist, EMDRIA, and her background includes training in grief/loss, trauma, and living with a disability, with personal experience in these areas.

Anna Williams with Amara

PHOTO CREDIT: Karen Brown,

Mental Health Education and Training Abroad

Dr. Donald D. Denton and The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates Travel to Liberia

On July 27, 2022, VIPCare counselors Dr. Donald D. Denton and Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates will travel to Liberia to meet with groups of community and religious leaders to continue to explore ways to support mental health treatment and access across the country. The trip is an initiative of VIPCare and the Bates Foundation, created in memory of The Rev. Dr. Bates' mother, which works to provide healing to the children of Liberia.

Dr. Denton and Rev. Dr. Bates traveled to Liberia in 2019 and since that time dialogue and information has continued to flow between Liberia and VIPCare's offices. A trip was planned in summer 2021 but had to be canceled due to COVID outbreaks.

The upcoming July 2022 trip will continue educational outreach and training with daily sessions for clergy, medical doctors and government officials (hundreds of participants are expected to take part in educational programs over the course of their 14-day visit). In preparation, educations training packets have been assembled (see photos of Don Denton compiling some final materials).

In addition, psychological textbooks and supporting materials have been collected, assembled and shipped to Liberia including information on trauma and recovery, as well as substance abuse treatment.

For more information, or if you would like to support their travel and mental health educational programs and outreach in Liberia, please contact VIPCare at 804-282-8332.